Source code for vivarium.plots.simulation_output

Simulation Output Utilities

import os
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from vivarium.core.emitter import path_timeseries_from_embedded_timeseries
from vivarium.library.dict_utils import get_value_from_path

[docs]def set_axes( ax, show_xaxis=False, sci_notation=False, y_offset=0.0): '''Set up plot axes. Args: ax: The axes to set up. show_xaxis: Whether to show the x axis. sci_notation: Either ``False`` to not use scientific notation or an integer :math:`x` such that scientific notation will be used outside the range :math:`[10^{-x}, 10^x]`. y_offset: Horizontal distance between axis offset text (typically for scientific notation) and the y-axis. ''' if sci_notation: scilimits = 4 if isinstance(sci_notation, int): scilimits = sci_notation ax.ticklabel_format( style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(-scilimits, scilimits), useOffset=True) else: ax.ticklabel_format( style='plain', axis='y') ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.tick_params(right=False, top=False) # move offset axis text (typically scientific notation) t = ax.yaxis.get_offset_text() t.set_x(-y_offset) if not show_xaxis: ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax.tick_params(bottom=False, labelbottom=False)
def _save_fig_to_dir( fig, filename, out_dir='out/', ): os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) fig_path = os.path.join(out_dir, filename) print(f"Writing {fig_path}") fig.savefig(fig_path, bbox_inches='tight')
[docs]def plot_simulation_output( timeseries_raw, settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, out_dir=None, filename='simulation', ): ''' Plot simulation output, with rows organized into separate columns. Arguments:: timeseries (dict): This can be obtained from simulation output with convert_to_timeseries() settings (dict): Accepts the following keys: * **column_width** (:py:class:`int`): the width (inches) of each column in the figure * **max_rows** (:py:class:`int`): ports with more states than this number of states get wrapped into a new column * **remove_zeros** (:py:class:`bool`): if True, timeseries with all zeros get removed * **remove_flat** (:py:class:`bool`): if True, timeseries with all the same value get removed * **remove_first_timestep** (:py:class:`bool`): if True, skips the first timestep * **skip_ports** (:py:class:`list`): entire ports that won't be plotted * **show_state** (:py:class:`list`): with ``[('port_id', 'state_id')]`` for all states that will be highlighted, even if they are otherwise to be removed TODO: Obsolete? ''' int_or_float = (int, np.int32, np.int64, float, np.float32, np.float64) settings = settings or {} plot_fontsize = 8 plt.rc('font', size=plot_fontsize) plt.rc('axes', titlesize=plot_fontsize) # get settings column_width = settings.get('column_width', 3) max_rows = settings.get('max_rows', 25) remove_zeros = settings.get('remove_zeros', True) remove_flat = settings.get('remove_flat', False) skip_ports = settings.get('skip_ports', []) remove_first_timestep = settings.get('remove_first_timestep', False) # make a flat 'path' timeseries, with keys being path top_level = list(timeseries_raw.keys()) timeseries = path_timeseries_from_embedded_timeseries(timeseries_raw) time_vec = timeseries.pop('time') if remove_first_timestep: time_vec = time_vec[1:] # remove select states from timeseries removed_states = set() for path, series in timeseries.items(): if path[0] in skip_ports: removed_states.add(path) elif remove_flat: if series.count(series[0]) == len(series): removed_states.add(path) elif remove_zeros: if all(v == 0 for v in series): removed_states.add(path) for path in removed_states: del timeseries[path] # get figure columns # get length of each top-level port port_lengths = {} for path in timeseries.keys(): if path[0] in top_level: if path[0] not in port_lengths: port_lengths[path[0]] = 0 port_lengths[path[0]] += 1 n_data = [length for port, length in port_lengths.items() if length > 0] columns = [] for n_states in n_data: new_cols = n_states / max_rows if new_cols > 1: for col in range(int(new_cols)): columns.append(max_rows) mod_states = n_states % max_rows if mod_states > 0: columns.append(mod_states) else: columns.append(n_states) # make figure and plot n_cols = len(columns) n_rows = max(columns) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols * column_width, n_rows * column_width/3)) grid = plt.GridSpec(n_rows, n_cols) row_idx = 0 col_idx = 0 for port in port_lengths.keys(): # get this port's timeseries port_timeseries = {} for path, ts in timeseries.items(): if path[0] is port: next_path = path[1:] if any(isinstance(item, tuple) for item in next_path): next_path = tuple([ item[0] if isinstance(item, tuple) else item for item in next_path]) port_timeseries[next_path] = ts for state_id, series in sorted(port_timeseries.items()): if remove_first_timestep: series = series[1:] # not enough data points -- this state likely did not exist throughout the entire simulation if len(series) != len(time_vec): continue ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[row_idx, col_idx]) # grid is (row, column) if not all(isinstance(state, int_or_float) for state in series): # check if series is a list of ints or floats ax.title.set_text(str(port) + ': ' + str(state_id) + ' (non numeric)') else: # plot line at zero if series crosses the zero line if any(x == 0.0 for x in series) or (any(x < 0.0 for x in series) and any(x > 0.0 for x in series)): zero_line = [0 for t in time_vec] ax.plot(time_vec, zero_line, 'k--') # plot the series ax.plot(time_vec, series) if isinstance(state_id, tuple): # new line for each store state_id = '\n'.join(state_id) ax.title.set_text(str(port) + '\n' + str(state_id)) if row_idx == columns[col_idx]-1: # if last row of column set_axes(ax, True) ax.set_xlabel('time (s)') row_idx = 0 col_idx += 1 else: set_axes(ax) row_idx += 1 ax.set_xlim([time_vec[0], time_vec[-1]]) if out_dir: plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=column_width/3, hspace=column_width/3) _save_fig_to_dir(fig, filename, out_dir) return fig
[docs]def get_variable_title(path): '''Get figure title from a variable path. Args: path: Path to the variable. Returns: String representation of the variable suitable for a figure title. ''' var = path[-1] separator = '>' connect_path = separator.join(path[:-1]) if isinstance(var, tuple): # if units are included in variable title = f'{connect_path}: {var[0]} ({var[1]})' else: title = f'{connect_path}: {var}' return title
# simple plotting function
[docs]def plot_variables( output, variables, column_width=8, row_height=1.2, row_padding=0.8, linewidth=3.0, sci_notation=False, default_color='tab:blue', out_dir=None, filename='variables' ): '''Create a simple figure with a timeseries for every variable. Args: output: Simulation output as a map from variable names or paths to timeseries data. Should contain a ``time`` key whose value is a list of time points. variables: The variables to plot. May be a list of variable names (if simulation output keys are just variable names) or a dictionary with keys ``variable`` (for the variable path), ``color`` (for the color to use for the plot), and ``display`` (the variable name to display). If ``display`` is not provided, the result of calling :py:func:`get_variable_title` on the variable path is used. column_width: Figure width. row_height: Height of each row. Each variable gets one row. row_padding: Space between rows. linewidth: Width of timeseries lines. sci_notation: Either ``False`` for no scientific notation or an integer :math:`x` such that scientific notation will be used for values outside the range :math:`[10^{-x}, 10^x]`. default_color: Default timeseries color. out_dir: Output directory. filename: Output filename. Returns: The figure. ''' n_rows = len(variables) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(column_width, n_rows * row_height)) grid = plt.GridSpec(n_rows, 1) time_vec = output['time'] for row_idx, variable_definition in enumerate(variables): if isinstance(variable_definition, dict): path = variable_definition['variable'] var_color = variable_definition.get('color', default_color) variable_title = variable_definition.get('display', get_variable_title(path)) else: path = variable_definition var_color = default_color variable_title = get_variable_title(path) # get the output timeseries series = get_value_from_path(output, path) # make a new subplot ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[row_idx, 0]) ax.plot(time_vec, series, linewidth=linewidth, color=var_color) ax.set_title(variable_title) # x-axis only at bottom row if row_idx == n_rows - 1: set_axes(ax, show_xaxis=True, sci_notation=sci_notation) ax.set_xlabel('time (s)') ax.spines['bottom'].set_position(('axes', -0.2)) else: set_axes(ax, sci_notation=sci_notation) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=row_padding) if out_dir: _save_fig_to_dir(fig, filename, out_dir) return fig
if __name__ == '__main__': total_time = 500 data = { 'x': [random.uniform(0, 10) for _ in range(total_time)], 'y': [np.exp(random.uniform(0, 10)) for _ in range(total_time)], 'time': [t for t in range(total_time)] } plot_variables( output=data, variables=['x', 'y'], out_dir='out')