Source code for vivarium.core.registry

Registry of Updaters, Dividers, and Serializers

You should interpret words and phrases that appear fully capitalized in
this document as described in :rfc:`2119`. Here is a brief summary of
the RFC:

* "MUST" indicates absolute requirements. Vivarium may not work
  correctly if you don't follow these.
* "SHOULD" indicates strong suggestions. You might have a valid reason
  for deviating from them, but be careful that you understand the
* "MAY" indicates truly optional features that you can include or
  exclude as you wish.


Each :term:`updater` is defined as a function whose name begins with
``update_``. Vivarium uses these functions to apply :term:`updates` to
:term:`variables`. Updater names are registered in
:py:data:`updater_registry`, which maps these names to updater functions.

Updater API

An updater function SHOULD have a name that begins with ``update_``. The
function MUST accept exactly three positional arguments: the first MUST
be the current value of the variable (i.e. before applying the update),
the second MUST be the value associated with the variable in the update,
and the third MUST be either a dictionary of states from the simulation
hierarchy or None if no ``port_mapping`` key was specified in the
updater definition. The function SHOULD not accept any other parameters.
The function MUST return the updated value of the variable only.


Each :term:`divider` is defined by a function that follows the API we
describe below. Vivarium uses these dividers to generate daughter cell
states from the mother cell's state. Divider names are registered in
:py:data:`divider_registry`, which maps these names to divider functions.

Divider API

Each divider function SHOULD have a name prefixed with ``divide_``. The
function MUST accept a single positional argument, the value of the
variable in the mother cell. It SHOULD accept no other arguments. The
function MUST return either:

1. A :py:class:`list` with two elements: the values of the variables in
   each of the daughter cells.
2. ``None``, in which case division will be skipped for that variable.

.. note:: Dividers MAY not be deterministic and MAY not be symmetric.
    For example, a divider splitting an odd, integer-valued value may
    randomly decide which daughter cell receives the remainder.

Each :term:`serializer` is defined as a class that follows the API we
describe below. Vivarium uses these serializers to convert emitted data
into a BSON-compatible format for database storage. Serializer names are
registered in :py:data:`serializer_registry`, which maps these names to
serializer subclasses. For maximum performance, register serializers
using a key equal to the string representation of its designated type
(e.g. ``str(Serializer.python_type)``).

Serializer API

Serializers MUST define the following:

1. The ``python_type`` class attributes that determines what types are
   handled by the serializer
2. The :py:meth:`vivarium.core.registry.Serializer.serialize()` method
   which is called on all objects of type ``python_type``

Avoid defining custom serializers for built-in or Numpy types as these are
automatically handled by ``orjson``, the package used to serialize data.

.. note:: All dictionary keys MUST be Python strings for ``orjson`` to work.
    Numpy strings (``np.str_``) are not allowed.

If it is necessary to redefine the how objects are serialized by orjson,
assign custom serializers to the stores containing objects of the affected
type(s) using the ``_serializer`` ports schema key. This can also be used
to serialize objects of the same Python type differently. To ensure that
objects serialized this way are deserialized correctly, you SHOULD consider
implementing the following as well:

1. :py:meth:`vivarium.core.registry.Serializer.can_deserialize()` to determine
   whether to call ``deserialize`` on data
2. :py:meth:`vivarium.core.registry.Serializer.deserialize()` to deserialize

If it is necessary to deserialize objects of the same BSON type differently,
the corresponding serializer(s) MUST implement these 2 methods.
import copy
import random
from typing import Any

import numpy as np

from vivarium.library.dict_utils import deep_merge
from vivarium.library.units import Quantity

[docs]class Registry(object): def __init__(self): """A Registry holds a collection of functions or objects.""" self.registry = {} self.main_keys = []
[docs] def register(self, key, item, alternate_keys=tuple()): """Add an item to the registry. Args: key: Item key. item: The item to add. alternate_keys: Additional keys under which to register the item. These keys will not be included in the list returned by ``Registry.list()``. This may be useful if you want to be able to look up an item in the registry under multiple keys. """ keys = [key] keys.extend(alternate_keys) for registry_key in keys: if registry_key in self.registry: if item != self.registry[registry_key]: raise Exception('registry already contains an entry for {}: {} --> {}'.format( registry_key, self.registry[key], item)) else: self.registry[registry_key] = item self.main_keys.append(key)
[docs] def access(self, key): """Get an item by key from the registry.""" return self.registry.get(key)
[docs] def list(self): return list(self.main_keys)
# Initialize registries # These are imported into module files, # where the functions and classes are registered upon import #: Maps process names to :term:`process classes` process_registry = Registry() #: Map updater names to :term:`updater` functions updater_registry = Registry() #: Map divider names to :term:`divider` functions divider_registry = Registry() #: Map serializer names to :term:`serializer` classes serializer_registry = Registry() #: Map serializer names to :term:`Emitter` classes emitter_registry = Registry() # Updaters, Dividers, and Serializers # These can be defined here, but are registered in the base module's file # Updater functions
[docs]def update_merge(current_value, new_value): """Merge Updater Returns: dict: The merger of ``current_value`` and ``new_value``. For any shared keys, the value in ``new_value`` is used. """ update = current_value.copy() for k, v in current_value.items(): new = new_value.get(k) if isinstance(new, dict): update[k] = deep_merge(copy.deepcopy(v), new) else: update[k] = new return update
[docs]def update_set(current_value, new_value): """Set Updater Returns: The value provided in ``new_value``. """ return new_value
[docs]def update_null(current_value, new_value): """Null Updater Returns: The value provided in ``current_value``. """ return current_value
[docs]def update_accumulate(current_value, new_value): """Accumulate Updater Returns: The sum of ``current_value`` and ``new_value``. """ return current_value + new_value
[docs]def update_nonnegative_accumulate(current_value, new_value): """Non-negative Accumulate Updater Returns: The sum of ``current_value`` and ``new_value`` if positive, 0 if negative. """ updated_value = current_value + new_value if isinstance(updated_value, np.ndarray): updated_value[updated_value < 0] = 0 return updated_value elif updated_value >= 0: return updated_value else: return 0 * updated_value
[docs]def update_dictionary(current, update): """Dictionary Updater Updater that translates _add and _delete -style updates into operations on a dictionary. Expects current to be a dictionary, with no restriction on the types of objects stored within it, and no defaults values. """ result = current for key, value in update.items(): if key == "_add": for added_value in value: added_key = added_value["key"] added_state = added_value["state"] result[added_key] = added_state elif key == "_delete": for k in value: del result[k] elif key in result: result[key].update(value) else: raise Exception(f"Invalid dict_value_updater key: {key}") return result
# Divider functions
[docs]def divide_set(state): """Set Divider Returns: A list ``[state, state]``. No copying is performed. """ return [state, state]
[docs]def divide_set_value(state, config): """Set Value Divider Args: 'state': value Returns: A list ``[value, value]``. No copying is performed. """ value = config['value'] return [value, value]
[docs]def divide_split(state): """Split Divider Arguments: state: Must be an :py:class:`int`, a :py:class:`float`, or a :py:class:`str` of value ``Infinity``. Returns: A list, each of whose elements contains half of ``state``. If ``state`` is an :py:class:`int`, the remainder is placed at random in one of the two elements. If ``state`` is infinite, the return value is ``[state, state]`` (no copying is done). Raises: Exception: if ``state`` is of an unrecognized type. """ if isinstance(state, (int, np.integer)): remainder = state % 2 half = int(state / 2) if random.choice([True, False]): return [half + remainder, half] else: return [half, half + remainder] elif state == float('inf') or state == 'Infinity': # some concentrations are considered infinite in the environment # an alternative option is to not divide the local environment state return [state, state] elif isinstance(state, (float, Quantity)): half = state/2 return [half, half] else: raise Exception('can not divide state {} of type {}'.format(state, type(state)))
[docs]def divide_binomial(state): """Binomial Divider """ counts_1 = np.random.binomial(state, 0.5) counts_2 = state - counts_1 return [counts_1, counts_2]
[docs]def divide_zero(state): """Zero Divider Returns: ``[0, 0]`` regardless of input """ return [0, 0]
[docs]def divide_split_dict(state): """Split-Dictionary Divider Returns: A list of two dictionaries. The first dictionary stores the first half of the key-value pairs in ``state``, and the second dictionary stores the rest of the key-value pairs. .. note:: Since dictionaries are unordered, you should avoid making any assumptions about which keys will be sent to which daughter cell. """ if state is None: state = {} d1 = dict(list(state.items())[len(state) // 2:]) d2 = dict(list(state.items())[:len(state) // 2]) return [d1, d2]
[docs]def assert_no_divide(state): """Assert that the variable is never divided Raises: AssertionError: If the variable is divided """ raise AssertionError('Variable cannot be divided')
[docs]def divide_null(state): """Divider that causes the variable to be skipped during division. Returns: ``None`` so that no divided values are provided to the daughter cells. This is useful for process objects, which are handled separately during division. """ return None
# Serializers
[docs]class Serializer: """Base serializer class. Serializers work together to convert Python objects, which may be collections of many different kinds of objects, into BSON-compatible representations. Those representations can then be deserialized to recover the original object. Serialization of Python's built-in datatypes and most Numpy types is handled directly by the ``orjson.dumps()`` method. The serialization routines in Serializers are compiled into a fallback function that is called on objects not handled by ``orjson``. If one wishes to modify how built-in/Numpy objects are serialized, the relevant stores can be assigned a custom serializer using the ``_serializer`` key. The :py:meth:`vivarium.core.registry.Serializer.serialize()` method of that serializer will be called on the values in these stores before they are passed to ``orjson``. During deserialization, the ``can_deserialize`` method of each Serializer is used to determine whether to call the ``deserialize`` method. Args: name: Name of the serializer. Defaults to the class name. """ python_type: Any = None #: Type matching is NOT exact (subclasses included) def __init__(self): # Register serializer under its exclusive type = str(self.python_type) or self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def serialize(self, data): """Controls what happens to data of the type ``python_type`` """ pass
[docs] def deserialize(self, data): """This allows for data of the same BSON type to be deserialized differently (see regex matching of strings in :py:meth:`vivarium.core.serialize.UnitsSerializer.deserialize()` for an example). """ pass
[docs] def can_deserialize(self, data): """This tells :py:func:`vivarium.core.serialize.deserialize_value` whether to call ``deserialize`` on data. """ pass