Source code for vivarium.core.engine


Engine runs the simulation.

import cProfile
import pstats
import os
import logging as log
import pprint
import re
from typing import (
    Any, Dict, Optional, Union, Tuple, Callable, Iterable, List,
    cast, Sequence)
import math
import datetime
import time as clock
import uuid

import networkx as nx
import pytest

from import (
    hierarchy_depth, Store, generate_state, view_values)
from vivarium.core.emitter import get_emitter, Emitter
from vivarium.core.process import (
from vivarium.core.composer import Composite
from vivarium.library.topology import (
from vivarium.library.dict_utils import apply_func_to_leaves
from vivarium.core.types import (
    HierarchyPath, Topology, State, Update, Processes, Steps,
    Flow, Schema)

pretty = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)

[docs]def pp(x: Any) -> None: """Print ``x`` in a pretty format.""" pretty.pprint(x)
[docs]def pf(x: Any) -> str: """Format ``x`` for display.""" return pretty.pformat(x)
log.basicConfig(level=os.environ.get("LOGLEVEL", log.WARNING))
[docs]def starts_with( a_list: HierarchyPath, sub: HierarchyPath, ) -> bool: """Check whether one path is a prefix of another. Args: a_list: Path to look for prefix in. sub: Prefix. Returns: True if ``sub`` is a prefix of ``a_list``; False otherwise. """ return len(sub) <= len(a_list) and all( a_list[i] == el for i, el in enumerate(sub))
[docs]def invert_topology( update: Update, args: Tuple[HierarchyPath, Topology], ) -> State: """Wrapper function around ``inverse_topology``. Wraps :py:func:`vivarium.library.topology.inverse_topology`. Updates are produced relative to the process that produced them. To transform them such that they are relative to the root of the simulation hierarchy, this function "inverts" a topology. Args: update: The update. args: Tuple of the path to which the update is relative and the topology. Returns: The update, relative to the root of ``path``. """ path, topology = args return inverse_topology(path[:-1], update, topology)
[docs]def timestamp(dt: Optional[Any] = None) -> str: """Get a timestamp of the form ``YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS``. Args: dt: Datetime object to generate timestamp from. If not specified, the current time will be used. Returns: Timestamp. """ if not dt: dt = return "%04d%02d%02d.%02d%02d%02d" % ( dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second)
[docs]def empty_front(t: float) -> Dict[str, Union[float, dict]]: return { 'time': t, 'update': {}}
[docs]class Defer: def __init__( self, defer: Any, f: Callable, args: Tuple, ) -> None: """Allows for delayed application of a function to an update. The object simply holds the provided arguments until it's time for the computation to be performed. Then, the function is called. Args: defer: An object with a ``.get_command_result()`` method whose output will be passed to the function. For example, the object could be an :py:class:`vivarium.core.process.Process` object whose ``.get_command_result()`` method will return the process update. function: The function. For example, :py:func:`invert_topology` to transform the returned update. args: Passed as the second argument to the function. """ self.defer = defer self.f = f self.args = args
[docs] def get(self) -> Update: """Perform the deferred computation. Returns: The result of calling the function. """ return self.f( self.defer.get_command_result(), self.args)
[docs]class EmptyDefer(Defer): def __init__(self) -> None: function = lambda update, arg: update args = () super().__init__(None, function, args)
[docs] def get(self) -> Update: return {}
class _StepGraph: """A dependency graph of :term:`steps`. A step is just a Process object that has dependencies on other steps. Unlike processes, which can be run in any order, steps run every timestep. In a given timestep, each step must not run until all its dependency steps have run and had their updates applied. Note that the constructor uses any provided arguments without copying them. Attributes: graph: A NetworkX DiGraph with an edge for each dependency relationship and a node for each step path. If the step at path ``a`` depends on the step at path ``b``, then the graph will contain an edge from ``b`` to ``a``. This means that a topological sort of the graph produces a valid runtime order for the step. Note that the graph must be a DAG. sequential_steps: A list of paths for steps that should run sequentially and before the steps in ``graph``. This is where we store legacy :term:`derivers` for backwards-compatibility. """ def __init__( self, graph: Optional[nx.DiGraph] = None, sequential_steps: Optional[List[HierarchyPath]] = None ) -> None: self._graph = graph or nx.DiGraph() self._sequential_steps: List[HierarchyPath] = ( sequential_steps or []) def _validate(self) -> None: if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(self._graph): raise ValueError('Step graph must be a DAG.') graph_steps = set(self._graph.nodes) sequential_steps = set(self._sequential_steps) intersection = graph_steps & sequential_steps if intersection: raise ValueError( 'self._graph and self._sequential_steps have ' f'overlapping steps: {intersection}') def add( self, path: HierarchyPath, dependencies: Iterable[HierarchyPath]) -> None: """Add a step to the graph. Args: path: The step object's path in the hierarchy. dependencies: The hierarchy paths to each dependency. Raises: ValueError: If the graph produced by adding the step is not a DAG. """ self._graph.add_node(path) for dependency in dependencies: self._graph.add_edge(dependency, path) self._validate() def add_sequential( self, path: HierarchyPath) -> None: """Add a step that is meant to run sequentially. Legacy steps (:term:`derivers`) were meant to run sequentially instead of being provided as a dependency graph. To support these legacy steps, this method adds a step that will run after all previously-added sequential steps and before any non-sequential steps. Args: path: The path to the step in the hierarchy. """ self._sequential_steps.append(path) self._validate() def get_execution_layers(self) -> List[List[HierarchyPath]]: """Get step execution layers, with steps represnted by paths. An execution layer is a list of steps that can be executed in parallel. The graph's execution layers are an ordered list of these layers such that: * For a given layer, every step in the layer may be executed as soon as all steps in preceding layers have been executed. * Every step is in as early a layer as possible. In other words, the execution layers are the topological generations of the graph, prepended by any sequential steps, each in its own layer and in the order in which they were added. Returns: An ordered list of the execution layers, with each step represented by its path. """ layers = nx.topological_generations(self._graph) to_return = [[step] for step in self._sequential_steps] to_return += [sorted(layer) for layer in layers] return to_return def remove(self, path: HierarchyPath) -> None: """Delete a step based on its path. Args: path: Hierarhcy path of the step to delete. """ if path in self._sequential_steps: self._sequential_steps.remove(path) return to_delete = nx.algorithms.dag.descendants(self._graph, path) to_delete.add(path) for path_to_delete in to_delete: self._graph.remove_node(path_to_delete) def copy(self) -> '_StepGraph': """Create a copy of self. Returns: A new _StepGraph with a copy of self's graph. """ new = self.__class__( self._graph.copy(), self._sequential_steps.copy()) return new
[docs]class Engine: def __init__( self, composite: Optional[Composite] = None, processes: Optional[Processes] = None, steps: Optional[Steps] = None, flow: Optional[Flow] = None, topology: Optional[Topology] = None, store: Optional[Store] = None, initial_state: Optional[State] = None, experiment_id: Optional[str] = None, experiment_name: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[dict] = None, description: str = '', emitter: Union[str, dict] = 'timeseries', store_schema: Optional[dict] = None, emit_topology: bool = True, emit_processes: bool = False, emit_config: bool = False, emit_step: float = 1, display_info: bool = True, progress_bar: bool = False, global_time_precision: Optional[int] = None, profile: bool = False, initial_global_time: float = 0, ) -> None: """Defines simulations Args: composite: A :term:`Composite`, which specifies the processes, steps, flow, and topology. This is an alternative to passing in processes and topology dict, which can not be loaded at the same time. processes: A dictionary that maps :term:`process` names to process objects. You will usually get this from the ``processes`` key of the dictionary from :py:meth:`vivarium.core.composer.Composer.generate`. steps: A dictionary that maps :term:`step` names to step objects. You will usually get this from the ``steps`` key of the dictionary from :py:meth:`vivarium.core.composer.Composer.generate`. flow: A dictionary that maps :term:`step` names to sequences of paths to the steps that the step depends on. You will usually get this from the ``flow`` key of the dictionary from :py:meth:`vivarium.core.composer.Composer.generate`. topology: A dictionary that maps process names to sub-dictionaries. These sub-dictionaries map the process's port names to tuples that specify a path through the :term:`tree` from the :term:`compartment` root to the :term:`store` that will be passed to the process for that port. store: A pre-loaded Store. This is an alternative to passing in processes and topology dict, which can not be loaded at the same time. Note that if you provide this argument, you must ensure that all parallel processes (i.e. :py:class:`vivarium.core.process.Process` objects with the ``parallel`` attribute set to ``True``) are instances of :py:class:`vivarium.core.process.ParallelProcess`. This constructor converts parallel processes to ``ParallelProcess`` objects automatically if you do not provide this ``store`` argument. initial_state: By default an empty dictionary, this is the initial state of the simulation. experiment_id: A unique identifier for the experiment. A UUID will be generated if none is provided. metadata: A dictionary with additional data about the experiment, which is saved by the emitter with the configuration. description: A description of the experiment. A blank string by default. emitter: An emitter configuration which must conform to the specification in the documentation for :py:func:`vivarium.core.emitter.get_emitter`. The experiment ID will be added to the dictionary you provide as the value for the key ``experiment_id``. display_info: prints experiment info progress_bar: shows a progress bar global_time_precision: an optional int that sets the decimal precision of global_time. This is useful for remove floating- point rounding errors for the time keys of saved states. store_schema: An optional dictionary to expand the store hierarchy configuration, and also to turn emits on or off. The dictionary needs to be structured as a hierarchy, which will expand the existing store hierarchy. Setting an emit value for a branch node will set the emits of all the leaves to that value. emit_topology: If True, this will emit the topology with the configuration data. emit_processes: If True, this will emit the serialized processes with the configuration data. emit_config: If True, this will emit the serialized initial state with the configuration data. profile: Whether to profile the simulation with cProfile. initial_global_time: The initial time for the simulation. Useful when this Engine is part of a larger, older simulation. """ self.profiler: Optional[cProfile.Profile] = None if profile: self.profiler = cProfile.Profile() self.profiler.enable() self.stats_objs: List[pstats.Stats] = [] self.stats: Optional[pstats.Stats] = None self.experiment_id = experiment_id or str(uuid.uuid1()) self.initial_state = initial_state or {} self.emit_step = emit_step # make the processes, topology, steps, flow, and store self._make_store(store, composite, processes, steps, flow, topology) # display settings self.experiment_name = experiment_name or self.experiment_id self.metadata = metadata self.description = description self.display_info = display_info self.global_time_precision = global_time_precision self.progress_bar = progress_bar self.time_created = timestamp() if self.display_info: self._print_display() # get a mapping of all paths to processes self.process_paths: Dict[HierarchyPath, Process] = {} self._step_graph = _StepGraph() self._step_paths: Dict[HierarchyPath, Process] = {} self._find_process_paths(self.processes, self.flow) self._find_step_paths(self.steps, self.flow) self._validate_steps_and_flow(self._step_paths, self.flow) # emitter settings emitter_config = emitter if isinstance(emitter_config, str): emitter_config = {'type': emitter_config} else: emitter_config = dict(emitter_config) emitter_config['experiment_id'] = self.experiment_id self.emitter: Emitter = get_emitter(emitter_config) # override emit settings in store if store_schema: self.state._apply_config(store_schema) # settings for self._emit_configuration() self.emit_topology = emit_topology self.emit_processes = emit_processes self.emit_config = emit_config # initialize global time self.global_time = initial_global_time # front tracks how far each process has been simulated in time, # and also holds the processes' updates before they are applied. self.front: Dict = { path: empty_front(self.global_time) for path in self.process_paths} # run the steps self.run_steps() # run the emitter self._emit_configuration() self._emit_store_data() # logging information'experiment %s', str(self.experiment_id))'\nPROCESSES:')'\nTOPOLOGY:') @staticmethod def _validate_steps_and_flow( step_paths: Dict[HierarchyPath, Process], flow: Flow, path: HierarchyPath = tuple()) -> None: '''Check that every Step in flow is in steps.''' for key, sub_flow in flow.items(): if isinstance(sub_flow, dict): Engine._validate_steps_and_flow( step_paths, sub_flow, path + (key,)) else: assert isinstance(sub_flow, list) for dependency in sub_flow: dependency = path + dependency if dependency not in step_paths: raise Exception( f'Unknown dependency step {dependency} is ' 'in the flow') def _make_store( self, store: Store = None, composite: Composite = None, processes: Processes = None, steps: Steps = None, flow: Flow = None, topology: Topology = None, ) -> None: """ If a :term:`Store` is provided, retrieve the :term:`Processes`, :term:`Steps`, :term:`Flow`, and :term:`Topology`. If a :term:`Composite` or its attributes are provided, create a store. These are interchangeable. """ if not store: if (processes and topology) or (steps and topology): self.processes = processes or {} self.steps = steps or {} self.flow = flow or {} self.topology = topology elif composite: self.processes = composite['processes'] self.steps = composite['steps'] self.flow = composite['flow'] self.topology = composite['topology'] self.initial_state = composite['state'] or self.initial_state else: raise Exception( 'load either composite, store, or ' '(processes and topology) into Engine') self.processes = cast( Dict[str, Any], self._parallelize_processes(self.processes) ) self.steps = cast( Dict[str, Any], self._parallelize_processes(self.steps) ) # initialize the store self.state: Store = generate_state( self.processes, self.topology, self.initial_state, self.steps, self.flow, ) else: self.state = store self.state.set_value(self.initial_state) # build the processes' views self.state.build_topology_views() # get processes and topology from the store self.processes = self.state.get_processes() self.steps = self.state.get_steps() or {} self.flow = self.state.get_flow() or {} self.topology = self.state.get_topology() def _parallelize_processes( self, processes: Any) -> Union[dict, Process]: '''Replace parallel processes with ParallelProcess objects.''' if isinstance(processes, Process): if processes.parallel and not isinstance( processes, ParallelProcess): processes = ParallelProcess( processes, bool(self.profiler), self.stats_objs) elif isinstance(processes, dict): processes = { key: self._parallelize_processes(value) for key, value in processes.items() } else: raise AssertionError(f'Unrecognized collection: {processes}') return processes def _add_step_path( self, step: Step, path: HierarchyPath, # None if deriver, empty list if no dependencies. relative_dependencies: Optional[Sequence[HierarchyPath]], ) -> None: assert step.is_step() self._step_paths[path] = step if relative_dependencies is None: self._step_graph.add_sequential(path) return dependencies = [ path + ('..',) + dep for dep in relative_dependencies] norm_dependencies = [ normalize_path(dep) for dep in dependencies] self._step_graph.add(path, norm_dependencies) def _add_process_path( self, process: Process, path: HierarchyPath, flow: Flow, ) -> None: if process.is_step(): # warnings.warn( # f'Found a step {path} in the processes dict. This is ' # 'deprecated. Steps should be specified in the steps ' # 'dict instead.', # category=FutureWarning, # ) step = cast(Step, process) self._add_step_path(step, path, get_in(flow, path)) else: self.process_paths[path] = process def _find_process_paths( self, processes: Processes, flow: Flow, ) -> None: tree = hierarchy_depth(processes) for path, process in tree.items(): self._add_process_path(process, path, flow) def _find_step_paths( self, steps: Steps, flow: Flow, ) -> None: tree = hierarchy_depth(steps) for path, step in tree.items(): self._add_step_path(step, path, get_in(flow, path)) def _emit_configuration(self) -> None: """Emit experiment configuration.""" data: Dict[str, Any] = { 'time_created': self.time_created, 'experiment_id': self.experiment_id, 'name': self.experiment_name, 'description': self.description, 'metadata': self.metadata, 'topology': self.topology if self.emit_topology else None, 'processes': self.processes if self.emit_processes else None, 'state': self.state.get_config() if self.emit_config else None, } emit_config: Dict[str, Any] = { 'table': 'configuration', 'data': data } self.emitter.emit(emit_config) def _emit_store_data(self) -> None: """Emit the current simulation state. Only variables with ``_emit=True`` are emitted. """ data = self.state.emit_data() data.update({ 'time': self.global_time}) emit_config = { 'table': 'history', 'data': data} self.emitter.emit(emit_config) def _invoke_process( self, process: Process, interval: float, states: State, ) -> Any: """Trigger computation of a process's update. To allow processes to run in parallel, this function only triggers update computation. When the function exits, computation may not be complete. Args: process: The process. interval: The timestep for which to compute the update. states: The simulation state to pass to :py:meth:`vivarium.core.process.Process.next_update`. Returns: The deferred simulation update, for example a :py:class:`vivarium.core.process.ParallelProcess`. """ process.send_command('next_update', (interval, states)) return process def _process_update( self, path: HierarchyPath, process: Process, store: Store, states: State, interval: float, ) -> Tuple[Defer, Store]: """Start generating a process's update. This function is similar to :py:meth:`_invoke_process` except in addition to triggering the computation of the process's update (by calling ``_invoke_process``), it also generates a :py:class:`Defer` object to transform the update into absolute terms. Args: path: Path to process. process: The process. store: The store at ``path``. states: Simulation state to pass to process's ``next_update`` method. interval: Timestep for which to compute the update. Returns: Tuple of the deferred update (in absolute terms) and ``store``. """ process = self._invoke_process( process, interval, states) absolute = Defer( process, invert_topology, (path, store.topology)) return absolute, store def _process_state( self, path: HierarchyPath, ) -> Tuple[Store, State]: """Get the simulation state for a process's ``next_update``. Before computing an update, we have to collect the simulation variables the processes expects. Args: path: Path to the process. Returns: Tuple of the store at ``path`` and a collection of state variables in the form the process expects. """ store = self.state.get_path(path) assert isinstance(store.value, Process) # translate the values from the tree structure into the form # that this process expects, based on its declared topology topology_view = store.topology_view assert topology_view is not None, \ f"store at path {path} does not have a topology_view" states = view_values(topology_view) return store, states def _calculate_update( self, path: HierarchyPath, process: Process, interval: float ) -> Tuple[Defer, Store]: """Calculate a process's update. Args: path: Path to process. process: The process. interval: Timestep to compute update for. Returns: Tuple of the deferred update (relative to the root of ``path``) and the store at ``path``. """ store, states = self._process_state(path) if process.update_condition(interval, states): return self._process_update( path, process, store, states, interval) return (EmptyDefer(), store)
[docs] def apply_update( self, update: Update, state: Store ) -> bool: """Apply an update to the simulation state. Args: update: The update to apply. Must be relative to ``state``. state: The store to which the update is relative (usually root of simulation state. We need this so to preserve the "perspective" from which the update was generated. Return: a bool indicating whether the topology_views expired. """ if not update: return False ( topology_updates, process_updates, step_updates, flow_updates, deletions, view_expire ) = self.state.apply_update(update, state) process_updates = [ (path, self._parallelize_processes(process)) for path, process in process_updates ] step_updates = [ (path, self._parallelize_processes(step)) for path, step in step_updates ] # Make sure the Store contains the parallelized processes. for path, process in process_updates: self.state.get_path(path).value = process for path, step in step_updates: self.state.get_path(path).value = step flow_update_dict = dict(flow_updates) if topology_updates: for path, topology_update in topology_updates: assoc_path(self.topology, path, topology_update) if process_updates: for path, process in process_updates: assoc_path(self.processes, path, process) self._add_process_path(process, path, {}) if step_updates: for path, step in step_updates: dependencies = flow_update_dict.get(path) assoc_path(self.steps, path, step) self._add_step_path(step, path, dependencies) if deletions: for deletion in deletions: self._delete_path(deletion) return view_expire
def _delete_path( self, deletion: HierarchyPath ) -> None: """Delete a store from the state. Args: deletion: Path to store to delete. """ delete_in(self.processes, deletion) delete_in(self.steps, deletion) delete_in(self.topology, deletion) for path in list(self.process_paths.keys()): if starts_with(path, deletion): del self.process_paths[path] for path in list(self._step_paths): if starts_with(path, deletion): try: self._step_graph.remove(path) except nx.exception.NetworkXError as e: # The step might have been deleted already. msg = f'The node {path} is not in the graph.' if e.args[0] != msg: raise e del self._step_paths[path]
[docs] def run_steps(self) -> None: """Run all the steps in the simulation.""" layers = self._step_graph.get_execution_layers() for layer in layers: deferred_updates: List[Tuple[Defer, Store]] = [] for path in layer: step = self._step_paths.get(path) if not step: # Step was deleted by a previous step. continue # Timestep shouldn't influence steps. # TODO(jerry): Do something cleaner than having # generate_paths() add a schema attribute to the Deriver. # PyCharm's type check reports: # Type Process doesn't have expected attribute 'schema' update, store = self._calculate_update( path, step, 0) deferred_updates.append((update, store)) view_expire = False for update, store in deferred_updates: view_expire_update = self.apply_update(update.get(), store) view_expire = view_expire or view_expire_update if view_expire: self.state.build_topology_views()
def _send_updates( self, update_tuples: list ) -> None: """Apply updates and run steps. Args: update_tuples: List of tuples ``(update, state)`` where ``state`` is the store from whose perspective the update was generated. """ view_expire = False for update_tuple in update_tuples: update, state = update_tuple view_expire_update = self.apply_update(update.get(), state) view_expire = view_expire or view_expire_update if view_expire: self.state.build_topology_views() self.run_steps()
[docs] def update( self, interval: float, ) -> None: """ Run each process for the given interval and force them to complete at the end of the interval. See ``run_for`` for the keyword args. """ clock_start = clock.time() self.run_for( interval=interval, force_complete=True, ) self._check_complete() runtime = clock.time() - clock_start if self.display_info: self._print_summary(runtime)
def _check_complete(self) -> None: """Check that all processes completed""" for path, advance in self.front.items(): assert advance['time'] == self.global_time, \ f"the process at path {path} is at time {advance['time']} " \ f"instead of completing at global time {self.global_time}" assert len(advance['update']) == 0, \ f"the process at path {path} is an unapplied update" def _remove_deleted_processes(self) -> None: '''Remove deleted processes from the front.''' self.front = { path: progress for path, progress in self.front.items() if path in self.process_paths}
[docs] def run_for( self, interval: float, force_complete: bool = False, ) -> None: """Run each process within the given interval and update their states. :py:meth:`run_for` gives the caller more control over the simulation loop than :py:meth:`update`. In particular, it may be called repeatedly within a caller-managed simulation loop without forcing processes to complete after each call (as would be the case with :py:meth:`update`). It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that when :py:meth:`run_for` is called for the last time in the caller-managed simulation loop, `force_complete=True` so that all the processes finish at the end of the simulation. Args: interval: the amount of time to simulate the composite. force_complete: a bool indicating whether to force processes to complete at the end of the interval. """ end_time = self.global_time + interval emit_time = self.global_time + self.emit_step while self.global_time < end_time or force_complete: full_step = math.inf self._remove_deleted_processes() # processes at quiet paths don't meet their execution condition, # but still advance in time quiet_paths = [] # go through each process and find those that are able to update # based on their most recent update time being less than global time for path, process in self.process_paths.items(): if path not in self.front: self.front[path] = empty_front(self.global_time) process_time = self.front[path]['time'] if process_time <= self.global_time: # get the time step store, states = self._process_state(path) process_timestep = process.calculate_timestep(states) if force_complete: # force the process to complete at end_time future = min(process_time + process_timestep, end_time) else: future = process_time + process_timestep if self.global_time_precision is not None: # set future time based on global_time_precision future = round(future, self.global_time_precision) if future <= end_time: # calculate the update for this process if process.update_condition(process_timestep, states): update = self._process_update( path, process, store, states, process_timestep) # update front, to be applied at its projected time self.front[path]['time'] = future self.front[path]['update'] = update # absolute timestep timestep = future - self.global_time if timestep < full_step: full_step = timestep else: # mark this path "quiet" so its time can be advanced self.front[path]['update'] = (EmptyDefer(), store) quiet_paths.append(path) else: # absolute timestep timestep = future - self.global_time if timestep < full_step: full_step = timestep else: # don't shoot past processes that didn't run this time process_delay = process_time - self.global_time if process_delay < full_step: full_step = process_delay # apply updates based on process times in self.front if full_step == math.inf: # no processes ran, jump to next process next_event = end_time for path in self.front.keys(): if self.front[path]['time'] < next_event: next_event = self.front[path]['time'] self.global_time = next_event elif self.global_time + full_step <= end_time: # at least one process ran within the interval # increase the time, apply updates, and continue self.global_time += full_step # advance all quiet processes to current time for quiet in quiet_paths: self.front[quiet]['time'] = self.global_time # apply updates that are behind global time updates = [] paths = [] for path, advance in self.front.items(): if advance['time'] <= self.global_time \ and advance['update']: new_update = advance['update'] updates.append(new_update) advance['update'] = {} paths.append(path) self._send_updates(updates) # display and emit if self.progress_bar: print_progress_bar(self.global_time, end_time) if self.emit_step == 1: self._emit_store_data() elif emit_time <= self.global_time: while emit_time <= self.global_time: self._emit_store_data() emit_time += self.emit_step else: # all processes have run past the interval self.global_time = end_time if force_complete and self.global_time == end_time: force_complete = False
@staticmethod def _end_process_if_parallel(process: Process) -> None: if process.parallel: assert isinstance(process, ParallelProcess) process.end()
[docs] def end(self) -> None: """Terminate all processes running in parallel. This MUST be called at the end of any simulation with parallel processes. This function also ends profiling and computes profiling stats, including stats from parallel sub-processes. These stats are stored in ``self.stats``. """ apply_func_to_leaves( self.processes, self._end_process_if_parallel) if self.profiler: self.profiler.disable() total_stats = pstats.Stats(self.profiler) for stats in self.stats_objs: total_stats.add(stats) self.stats = total_stats
def _print_display(self) -> None: """Print simulation metadata.""" date, time = self.time_created.split('.') print('\nSimulation ID: {}'.format(self.experiment_id)) print('Created: {} at {}'.format( date[4:6] + '/' + date[6:8] + '/' + date[0:4], time[0:2] + ':' + time[2:4] + ':' + time[4:6])) if self.experiment_name is not self.experiment_id: print('Name: {}'.format(self.experiment_name)) if self.description: print('Description: {}'.format(self.description)) def _print_summary( self, runtime: float ) -> None: """Print summary of simulation runtime.""" if runtime < 1: print('Completed in {:.6f} seconds'.format(runtime)) else: print('Completed in {:.2f} seconds'.format(runtime))
def test_flow_with_extra_step() -> None: class StepA(Step): def ports_schema(self) -> Schema: return { 'a': {'_default': 1} } def next_update(self, timestep: float, states: State) -> Update: return {} class ProcessB(Process): def ports_schema(self) -> Schema: return { 'b': {'_default': 1} } def next_update(self, timestep: float, states: State) -> Update: return {} expected_error = re.escape( 'Unknown dependency step (\'stepA2\',) is in the flow') with pytest.raises(Exception, match=expected_error): _ = Engine( processes={'procB': ProcessB()}, steps={'stepA1': StepA()}, topology={ 'stepA1': {'a': ('a',)}, 'procB': {'b': ('b',)}, }, flow={'stepA1': [('stepA2',)]}, ) def test_flow_with_valid_steps() -> None: class StepA(Step): def ports_schema(self) -> Schema: return { 'a': {'_default': 1} } def next_update(self, timestep: float, states: State) -> Update: return {} class ProcessB(Process): def ports_schema(self) -> Schema: return { 'b': {'_default': 1} } def next_update(self, timestep: float, states: State) -> Update: return {} _ = Engine( processes={'procB': ProcessB()}, steps={ 'stepA1': StepA(), 'stepA2': StepA(), }, topology={ 'stepA1': {'a': ('a',)}, 'stepA2': {'a': ('a',)}, 'procB': {'b': ('b',)}, }, flow={ 'stepA1': [('stepA2',)], 'stepA2': [], }, )