Source code for vivarium.core.control

Experiment Control

Run experiments and analyses from the command line.

import os
import argparse
import copy

# typing
from typing import (
    Any, Dict, Optional, Union, Sequence, List)
from vivarium.core.types import OutputDict

from vivarium.core.engine import timestamp
from vivarium.core.directories import BASE_OUT_DIR
from import ToyCompartment, test_composer

from vivarium.plots.simulation_output import plot_simulation_output

[docs]def make_dir(out_dir: str = 'out') -> None: os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) # pragma: no cover
[docs]class Control: """ Control experiments from the command line Load experiments, plots, and workflows in this Control class, and trigger them from the command line """ def __init__( self, out_dir: Optional[str] = None, experiments: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, composers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, plots: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, workflows: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, args: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> None: workflows = workflows or {} experiments = experiments or {} plots = plots or {} workflows = workflows or {} self.experiments_library = experiments self.compposers_library = composers self.plots_library = plots self.workflows_library = workflows self.output_data = None # base output directory self.out_dir = BASE_OUT_DIR if out_dir: self.out_dir = out_dir # arguments self.args = self.parse_args(args) if self.args.experiment: experiment_id = str(self.args.experiment) self.output_data = self.run_experiment(experiment_id) if self.args.workflow: workflow_id = str(self.args.workflow) self.run_workflow(workflow_id)
[docs] def parse_args( self, args: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None ) -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='command line control of experiments' ) parser.add_argument( '--workflow', '-w', type=str, choices=list(self.workflows_library.keys()), help='the workflow id' ) parser.add_argument( '--experiment', '-e', type=str, choices=list(self.experiments_library.keys()), help='experiment id to run' ) return parser.parse_args(args)
[docs] def run_experiment( self, experiment_config: Union[str, dict] ) -> OutputDict: if isinstance(experiment_config, dict): if 'experiment_id' in experiment_config: experiment_id = experiment_config.pop('experiment_id') experiment = self.experiments_library[experiment_id] else: experiment = experiment_config.pop('experiment') return experiment(**experiment_config) if isinstance(experiment_config, str): experiment = self.experiments_library[experiment_config] if isinstance(experiment, dict): experiment = experiment.pop('experiment') return experiment() raise Exception(f'invalid experiment config: {experiment_config}')
[docs] def run_one_plot( self, plot_config: Union[str, dict], data: OutputDict, out_dir: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: data_copy = copy.deepcopy(data) if isinstance(plot_config, str): plot_config = self.plots_library[plot_config] if isinstance(plot_config, dict): if 'plot_id' in plot_config: plot_id = plot_config.pop('plot_id') plot = self.plots_library[plot_id] else: plot = plot_config.pop('plot') plot( data=data_copy, out_dir=out_dir, **plot_config) elif callable(plot_config): # call plot directly plot_config( data=data_copy, out_dir=out_dir) else: raise Exception(f'invalid plot config: {plot_config}')
[docs] def run_plots( self, plot_ids: Union[list, str], data: OutputDict, out_dir: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: if isinstance(plot_ids, list): for plot_id in plot_ids: self.run_one_plot(plot_id, data, out_dir=out_dir) else: self.run_one_plot(plot_ids, data, out_dir=out_dir)
[docs] def run_workflow(self, workflow_id: str) -> None: workflow = self.workflows_library[workflow_id] experiment_id = workflow['experiment'] plot_ids = workflow.get('plots') # output directory for this workflow workflow_name = workflow.get('name', timestamp()) out_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, workflow_name) # run the experiment self.output_data = self.run_experiment(experiment_id) # run the plots if plot_ids: self.run_plots(plot_ids, self.output_data, out_dir=out_dir) print('plots saved to directory: {}'.format(out_dir))
# testing
[docs]def toy_plot( data: OutputDict, config: Optional[Dict] = None, out_dir: Optional[str] = 'out' ) -> None: del config # unused plot_simulation_output(data, out_dir=out_dir)
[docs]def toy_control( args: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) -> Control: """ a toy example of control To run: > python vivarium/core/ -w 1 """ experiment_library = { # put in dictionary with name '1': { 'name': 'exp_1', 'experiment': test_composer}, # map to function to run as is '2': test_composer, } plot_library = { # put in dictionary with config '1': { 'plot': toy_plot, 'config': {}}, # map to function to run as is '2': toy_plot } composers_library = { 'agent': ToyCompartment, } workflow_library = { '1': { 'name': 'test_workflow', 'experiment': '1', 'plots': ['1']}, '2': { 'name': 'test_workflow', 'experiment': '1', 'plots': '2'} } control = Control( out_dir=os.path.join('out', 'control_test'), experiments=experiment_library, composers=composers_library, plots=plot_library, workflows=workflow_library, args=args, ) return control
[docs]def is_float(element: Any) -> bool: try: float(element) return True except ValueError: return False
def _parse_options( options_list: Optional[List[str]] ) -> Dict[str, Union[int, float, bool, str]]: """Parse the KEY=VALUE or KEY=k=v option strings into a dict.""" assignments = options_list or [] pairs = [ a.split('=', 1) + [''] for a in assignments ] # [''] to handle the no-'=' case options = {} for p in pairs: key: str = p[0] str_value: str = p[1] value: Any = None if str_value.isdigit(): value = int(str_value) elif is_float(str_value): value = float(str_value) elif str_value in ['True', 'False']: value = bool(str_value) else: value = str_value options[key] = value return options
[docs]def run_library_cli(library: dict, args: Optional[list] = None) -> None: """Run experiments from the command line Args: library (dict): maps experiment id to experiment function """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='run experiments from the command line') parser.add_argument( '--name', '-n', default=[], nargs='+', help='experiment ids to run') parser.add_argument( '--options', '-o', metavar='OPTION_KEY=VALUE', action='append', help='A "KEY=VALUE" option') parser_args = parser.parse_args(args) run_all = not options = _parse_options(parser_args.options) for name in library[name](**options) if run_all: for name, test in library.items(): test()
def test_library_cli() -> None: def run_fun(key: Any = False) -> dict: return {'key': key} lib = {'1': run_fun} run_library_cli(lib, args=['-n', '1', '-o', 'key=True']) run_library_cli(lib, args=['-n', '1', '-o', 'key=0.2']) run_library_cli(lib, args=['-n', '1', '-o', 'key=b']) def test_control() -> None: toy_control(args=['-w', '1']) toy_control(args=['-w', '2']) control = toy_control(args=['-e', '2']) control.run_workflow('1') fun_lib = { '0': test_library_cli, '1': test_control, } # python vivarium/core/ -n [test number] if __name__ == '__main__': run_library_cli(fun_lib)