Source code for vivarium.core.composer

Composite, Composer, and MetaComposer Classes

import abc
import copy
from typing import Dict, Any, Optional, Iterable, List

from vivarium.core.process import (
    _override_schemas, assoc_in, _get_parameters, Process)
from import (
    Store, generate_state)
from vivarium.core.types import (
    Processes, Topology, HierarchyPath, State, Schema, Steps, Flow)
from vivarium.library.datum import Datum
from vivarium.library.dict_utils import (
    deep_merge, deep_merge_check, deep_copy_internal)
from vivarium.library.topology import inverse_topology

def _get_composite_state_recur(
        processes: Processes,
        steps: Steps,
        topology: Any,
        state_type: Optional[str] = 'initial',
        path: Optional[HierarchyPath] = None,
        config: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> Optional[State]:
    path = path or tuple()
    config = config or {}
    processes = processes or {}
    steps = steps or {}
    topology = topology or {}

    state: dict = {}
    all_keys = set(processes.keys() | steps.keys())
    for key in all_keys:
        sub_path: HierarchyPath = path + (key,)
        sub_topology: Any = topology.get(key)
        sub_processes: Any = processes.get(key)
        sub_steps: Any = steps.get(key)
        sub_state: Any = None

        if isinstance(sub_processes, dict) or isinstance(sub_steps, dict):
            sub_state = _get_composite_state_recur(
        elif isinstance(sub_processes, Process) or \
                isinstance(sub_steps, Process):
            node: Process = sub_processes or sub_steps
            if state_type == 'initial':
                process_state = node.initial_state(config.get(
            elif state_type == 'default':
                process_state = node.default_state()
            # Prevent multiupdates from forming when a single process has
            # multiple ports to the same stores holding a dictionary
            sub_state = inverse_topology(
                path, process_state, sub_topology, multi_updates=False)
            Exception(f'invalid processes {sub_processes} or steps {sub_steps}')
        state = deep_merge(state, sub_state)
    return state

def _get_composite_state(
        processes: Processes,
        steps: Steps,
        topology: Any,
        state_type: Optional[str] = 'initial',
        path: Optional[HierarchyPath] = None,
        initial_state: Optional[State] = None,
        config: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> Optional[State]:
    state = _get_composite_state_recur(
    state = deep_merge(state, initial_state)
    return state

[docs]class Composite(Datum): """Composite parent class. Contains keys for processes and topology """ processes: Processes = {} steps: Steps = {} flow: Flow = {} topology: Topology = {} state: State = {} defaults: Dict[str, Any] = { 'processes': {}, 'steps': {}, 'flow': {}, 'topology': {}, 'state': {}, } def __init__( self, config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, store: Optional[Store] = None, processes: Optional[Processes] = None, steps: Optional[Steps] = None, flow: Optional[Flow] = None, topology: Optional[Topology] = None, state: Optional[State] = None, ) -> None: if not config: if store: composite = get_composite_from_store(store) processes = composite.processes topology = composite.topology steps = composite.steps flow = composite.flow state = composite.state config = { 'processes': processes or {}, 'topology': topology or {}, 'steps': steps or {}, 'flow': flow or {}, 'state': state or {} } super().__init__(config) self._schema = config.get('_schema', {}) processes_and_steps = deep_copy_internal(self.processes) deep_merge_check(processes_and_steps, self.steps) _override_schemas(self._schema, processes_and_steps)
[docs] def generate_store(self, config: Optional[dict] = None) -> Store: config = config or {} initial_state = self.initial_state(config) return generate_state( processes=self.processes, steps=self.steps, topology=self.topology, flow=self.flow, initial_state=initial_state)
[docs] def initial_state(self, config: Optional[dict] = None) -> Optional[State]: """ Merge all processes' initial states Arguments: config (dict): A dictionary of configuration options. All subclass implementation must accept this parameter, but some may ignore it. Returns: (dict): Subclass implementations must return a dictionary mapping state paths to initial values. """ config = config or {} initial_state = config.get('initial_state', {}) initial_state = deep_merge(copy.deepcopy(self.state), initial_state) return _get_composite_state( processes=self.processes, steps=self.steps, topology=self.topology, state_type='initial', initial_state=initial_state, config=config)
[docs] def default_state(self, config: Optional[dict] = None) -> Optional[State]: """ Merge all processes' default states Arguments: config (dict): A dictionary of configuration options. All subclass implementation must accept this parameter, but some may ignore it. Returns: (dict): Subclass implementations must return a dictionary mapping state paths to default values. """ return _get_composite_state( processes=self.processes, steps=self.steps, topology=self.topology, state_type='default', config=config)
[docs] def merge( self, composite: Optional['Composite'] = None, processes: Optional[Dict[str, 'Process']] = None, topology: Optional[Topology] = None, steps: Optional[Steps] = None, flow: Optional[Flow] = None, state: Optional[State] = None, path: Optional[HierarchyPath] = None, schema_override: Optional[Schema] = None, ) -> None: composite = composite or Composite({}) processes = processes or {} topology = topology or {} steps = steps or {} flow = flow or {} path = path or tuple() state = state or {} schema_override = schema_override or {} # get the processes and topology to merge merge_processes = {} merge_topology = {} merge_steps = {} merge_flow = {} merge_state = {} if composite: merge_processes.update(composite['processes']) merge_topology.update(composite['topology']) merge_steps.update(composite['steps']) merge_flow.update(composite['flow']) merge_state.update(composite.get('state', {})) deep_merge(merge_processes, processes) deep_merge(merge_topology, topology) deep_merge(merge_steps, steps) deep_merge(merge_flow, flow) deep_merge(merge_state, state) merge_processes = assoc_in({}, path, merge_processes) merge_topology = assoc_in({}, path, merge_topology) merge_steps = assoc_in({}, path, merge_steps) merge_flow = assoc_in({}, path, merge_flow) merge_state = assoc_in({}, path, merge_state) # merge with instance processes and topology deep_merge(self.processes, merge_processes) deep_merge(self.topology, merge_topology) deep_merge(self.steps, merge_steps) deep_merge(self.flow, merge_flow) deep_merge(self.state, merge_state) self._schema.update(schema_override) processes_and_steps = deep_copy_internal(self.processes) deep_merge_check(processes_and_steps, self.steps) _override_schemas(self._schema, processes_and_steps)
[docs] def get_parameters(self) -> Dict: """Get the parameters for all :term:`processes`. Returns: A map from process names to parameters. """ return _get_parameters(self.processes)
[docs]def get_composite_from_store(store: Store) -> Composite: """Make a :term:`Composite` from a :term:`Store`""" return Composite( processes=store.get_processes(), topology=store.get_topology(), steps=store.get_steps(), flow=store.get_flow(), state=store.get_value(), )
[docs]class Composer(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): defaults: Dict[str, Any] = {} def __init__(self, config: Optional[dict] = None) -> None: """Base class for :term:`composer` classes. Composers generate :term:`composites`. All :term:`composer` classes must inherit from this class. Args: config: Dictionary of configuration options that can override the class defaults. """ config = config or {} if 'name' in config: = config['name'] elif not hasattr(self, 'name'): = self.__class__.__name__ self.config = copy.deepcopy(self.defaults) self.config = deep_merge(self.config, config) self.schema_override = self.config.pop('_schema', {})
[docs] def generate_store(self, config: Optional[dict] = None) -> Store: composite = self.generate() return composite.generate_store(config)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def generate_processes( self, config: Optional[dict]) -> Processes: """Generate processes dictionary. Every subclass must override this method. For backwards compatibility, :py:class:`vivarium.core.process.Step` objects may be included in the returned dictionary, but this practice is discouraged and may be disallowed in a future release. Args: config: A dictionary of configuration options. All subclass implementation must accept this parameter, but some may ignore it. Returns: Subclass implementations must return a dictionary mapping process names to instantiated and configured :py:class:`vivarium.core.process.Process` objects. """ return {} # pragma: no cover
[docs] def generate_steps(self, config: Optional[dict]) -> Steps: '''Generate the steps dictionary. Subclasses that want to include :term:`steps` should override this method. This method is the preferred way to specify steps, though they may also be returned by :py:meth:`generate_processes`. Args: config: A dictionary of configuration options. All subclass implementation must accept this parameter, but some may ignore it. Returns: Subclass implementations should return a dictionary mapping step names to instantiated and configured :py:class:`vivarium.core.process.Step` objects. ''' _ = config return {} # pragma: no cover
[docs] def generate_flow(self, config: Optional[dict]) -> Flow: '''Generate the flow of :term:`step` dependencies. Args: config: A dictionary of configuration options. All subclass implementation must accept this parameter, but some may ignore it. Returns: Subclass implementations should return a dictionary mapping step names to sequences (e.g. lists or tuples) of :term:`paths`. **Steps with no dependencies must be included,** but they should be mapped to an empty sequence. Any steps returned by :py:meth:`generate_steps` or :py:meth:`generate_processes` that are not included in the flow will be treated as if they depend on every step previously added to the :term:`engine`. ''' _ = config return {} # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def generate_topology(self, config: Optional[dict]) -> Topology: """Generate topology dictionary. Every subclass must override this method. Args: config: A dictionary of configuration options. All subclass implementation must accept this parameter, but some may ignore it. Returns: Subclass implementations must return a :term:`topology` dictionary. """ return {} # pragma: no cover
[docs] def generate( self, config: Optional[dict] = None, path: HierarchyPath = ()) -> Composite: """Generate processes and topology dictionaries. Args: config: Updates values in the configuration declared in the constructor. path: Tuple with ('path', 'to', 'level') associates the processes and topology at this level. Returns: Dictionary with the following keys * ``processes``: Generated by :py:meth:`generate_processes`. * ``steps``: Generated by :py:meth:`generate_steps`. * ``flow``: Generated by :py:meth:`generate_flow`. * ``topology``: Generated by :py:meth:`generate_topology`. The values of these keys are all dictionaries suitable to be passed to the constructor for :py:class:`vivarium.core.engine.Engine`. """ if config is None: config = self.config else: default = copy.deepcopy(self.config) config = deep_merge(default, config) processes = self.generate_processes(config) steps = self.generate_steps(config) flow = self.generate_flow(config) topology = self.generate_topology(config) processes_and_steps = deep_copy_internal(processes) deep_merge_check(processes_and_steps, steps) _override_schemas(self.schema_override, processes_and_steps) return Composite({ 'processes': assoc_in({}, path, processes), 'steps': assoc_in({}, path, steps), 'flow': assoc_in({}, path, flow), 'topology': assoc_in({}, path, topology), })
[docs] def initial_state(self, config: Optional[dict] = None) -> Optional[State]: """ Merge all processes' initial states Every subclass may override this method. Arguments: config (dict): A dictionary of configuration options. All subclass implementation must accept this parameter, but some may ignore it. Returns: dict: Subclass implementations must return a dictionary mapping state paths to initial values. """ composite = self.generate(config) return composite.initial_state(config)
[docs] def get_parameters(self) -> dict: """Get the parameters for all :term:`processes`. Returns: A map from process names to dictionaries of those processes' parameters. """ composite = self.generate() return composite.get_parameters()
[docs]class MetaComposer(Composer): def __init__( self, composers: Iterable[Any] = tuple(), config: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> None: """A collection of :py:class:`Composer` objects. The MetaComposer can be used to create composites that combine all the composers in the collection. Args: composers: Initial collection of composers. config: Initial configuration. """ super().__init__(config) self.composers: List = list(composers) def _generate( self, config: Optional[dict], method: str ) -> Dict[str, Any]: combined: Dict = {} for composer in self.composers: func = getattr(composer, method) composer_config = copy.deepcopy(composer.config) deep_merge(composer_config, config) new = func(composer_config) if set(combined.keys()) & set(new.keys()): raise ValueError( f"{set(combined.keys())} and " f"{set(new.keys())} " f"contain overlapping keys. " f"They were produced by Composer.{method}()") combined.update(new) return combined
[docs] def generate_processes( self, config: Optional[dict] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: return self._generate(config, 'generate_processes')
[docs] def generate_steps( self, config: Optional[dict] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: return self._generate(config, 'generate_steps')
[docs] def generate_flow( self, config: Optional[dict] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: return self._generate(config, 'generate_flow')
[docs] def generate_topology( self, config: Optional[dict] = None ) -> Topology: return self._generate(config, 'generate_topology')
[docs] def add_composer( self, composer: Composer, config: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> None: """Add a composer to the collection of stored composers. Args: composer: The composer to add. config: The composer's configuration, which will be merged with the stored config. """ if config: self.config.update(config) self.composers.append(composer)
[docs] def add_composers( self, composers: List, config: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> None: """Add multiple composers to the collection of stored composers. Args: composers: The composers to add. config: Configuration for the composers, which will be merged with the stored config. """ if config: self.config.update(config) self.composers.extend(composers)